Start BMI: 44.6

BMI now: 38.8

Lost: 17.6 kilos (2 stone 11lbs) and 13% of body weight

Robin shed almost three stone and eight inches from his waist since joining Livewell 10 months ago.  As a result, the 72-year-old retired coach driver has stabilised his Type 2 diabetes, avoided a heart bypass operation and now qualifies for an NHS knee replacement having been previously refused the procedure due to his weight.

Discover how Robin turned his health around:

“I’ve always been a big lad but the weight crept up as the years went by.  In my youth I burned calories as a semi-professional ice skater, ski instructor and rugby league player but my activity levels dropped and calorie intake ballooned in later years, partly due to my sedentary job as a long-distance driver.  Living in hotels during the week, I tucked into rich dinners and puddings and did barely any exercise.

Retirement slowed me down and my walking stopped altogether when we sadly lost our dog nearly three years ago.  My left knee was shattered in a road accident in 2007 and had become increasingly painful to move.  Being too overweight for knee surgery combined with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, Angina and worsening atrial fibrillation added up to a catalogue of reasons to make changes.

I asked my doctor for advice in March last year and they told me about Livewell’s 12-month programme, so I thought I’d give it a go.

When I first met advisor, Lauran, we discussed my goals and I set a long-term target to lose two stone.  We agreed a plan of action for my first few weeks which involved reducing my portion sizes.  I liked Livewell’s supportive approach, Lauran gently steered and offered guidance rather than telling me what to do and making me feel like a child put on the naughty step - something I’d experienced using other health services.

My wife, Joan loves to cook and since we come from a Yorkshire mining background where home cooked, fresh food is served in huge amounts, it wasn’t a case of changing what we ate but the quantity. 

It was difficult to imagine what the recommended portion sizes look like so Lauran gave us visual cues such a pack of playing cards for a chicken breast or a matchbox-sized portion of cheese.  Serving half of the plate with vegetables or salad also helped us pack in our 5-a-day.

Switching to smaller plates made the same amount of food appear bigger so we tricked ourselves into feeling fuller with less food.  It’s a simple thing but it works! 

To combat my fridge raiding snacking habits, Joan prepares carrot batons and celery sticks for me to nibble on when cravings strike.

Attending the drop-in sessions in Sinfin every two to three weeks helped me feel motivated and accountable. Lauran offers encouraging pointers if I’m having a difficult time or a pat on the back if I’ve achieved a small goal.  I use the opportunity to get weighed, chat to other clients and get support if I need it.

As the weight dropped off, my exercise increased.  I could do more activity carrying less bulk, especially around my middle.  Gardening tasks that used to leave me breathless got easier.  Since losing weight I’ve cleared out the fish pond and enjoy walking a bit more on our caravan breaks. We’ve also welcomed a new puppy to our family which I’m now confident I can look after and keep up with!

All this healthy eating and heart pumping activity has had a positive impact on my health – my cardiologist says I no longer need a heart bypass and has discharged me, I’m off diabetes medication and I’m chuffed to be on the waiting list for my much-needed knee op.    

I’ve lost almost three stone in 10 months - exceeding my original two stone goal - and feel great for it.  My old jeans hang off me and are huge compared to my current ones.  Joan laid both pairs out for me to see the difference in size and I vowed that I’m never going back to my former ways. Before I couldn’t fit in clothes from chains like M&S so it’s good to be able to buy clothes on the high street.

Interestingly I don’t feel that I’ve made drastic changes, but Livewell has given both Joan and I small sustainable ways to lead a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.”

Livewell advisor, Lauran Lang added:

“Robin has been consistent and disciplined in his approach. With the support of his wife Joan, Robin identified where improvements could be made to his lifestyle. By implementing these small changes at a steady rate, he has achieved tremendous results which he should be so proud of. Robin’s story is inspiring and show that small adjustments can make a big difference!”

Robin before and after his weight loss.

Robin before and after his weight loss