Most people know that smoking is bad for their overall health but many don’t realise the damage it can do to their mouth, gums and teeth.  Smokers have an increased risk of developing some serious dental health issues and for Lisa Atkinson from Melbourne, losing a tooth and having a severe gum infection led her to join the Council’s Livewell service for support to kick her smoking habit for good.

A smoker of rolls ups for 30 years, 52-year-old Lisa, who is a kitchen assistant from Lancaster, moved to Derby two years ago.

Her three nieces (aged 11, 8 and 6) begged her to quit and constantly asked “Why do you smoke Auntie Lisa?”  Although she planned to stop smoking, it was only when she started having painful problems with her gums that she took immediate action.  

“My tooth felt loose and I was in pain so I went to the dentist to get it checked.  The dentist explained I had receding gums and would need for the infection to clear around my wobbly tooth before he could remove it – sadly it couldn’t be saved.  That week was agony and once the antibiotics did their job I was back in the dentist chair to get it taken out.  It was upsetting to find out three of my other teeth were also loose.

The dentist explained that smoking causes a lack of oxygen in the blood stream so infected gums don’t heal.  Everyone knows about the serious diseases caused by smoking such as cancer but I didn’t realise it could lead to tooth loss.  They recommended I quit to prevent the gum disease progressing.

Desperate to save my teeth and reverse the damage, I felt ready to stop smoking but wasn’t confident I could do it alone so I asked my doctor for advice.  He/she suggested I join Livewell so I registered and booked a phone appointment online for that same week.

Livewell advisor, Kirsty helped me set a quit date and discussed the different free stop smoking products they offer.  I decided to try patches and mints and I collected them every two weeks at a drop-in clinic where I could also ask questions and get support.

Kirsty checked in with me every couple of weeks which helped me stay focussed.  The nicotine treatments kept my cravings under control but once I finished the 10-week course I bought a non-nicotine vape.  I rarely use it but it’s my comfort blanket - if an urge strikes, I know it’s there.

Five months on, I’m smokefree, £30 richer a week and feeling much fitter.  I used to feel out of breath walking but now I can power up hills no problem.  I completed a 100-mile walking challenge in October for Cancer Research, something I could never have done when I smoked.  People remark that my complexion is brighter and my nieces are chuffed that their Auntie is smoke free.  They check my app to see how many days I’ve won back on my life expectancy, how much money I’ve saved and how many days I’ve been quit.

Smoking isn’t dictating my life anymore.  At work I would clock watch and get stressed trying to plan cigarette breaks around a busy kitchen.  Now I can do my job without feeling anxious. My mum enjoys that we can take our time over lunch in a café without having to leave for me to have a cigarette.

The best thing is that I’ve saved my teeth and can keep my smile for years to come!

I hope my story raises awareness of some of the lesser-known causes of smoking and inspires people to give up.  I thought it was going to be a lot harder to quit but if you’re ready and committed you can do it.”

Livewell advisor, Kirsty Freeman added:

“Lisa was positive and determined to become smoke free from our first call together. She really took on board advice about changes to routine to help her break the habit. She attended a drop in every two weeks to make the most of the service and ensured she always had products to use. Lisa kept herself busy to deal with cravings and I’m really pleased for her that she is enjoying a smoke free life and her family are benefitting from this too.”

Inspired to quit?

Whatever your reason to stop smoking this year, join Livewell to get free Nicotine products and friendly support.  Find out more and book your phone appointment online today.